This week I will highlight the story of Steven Marrone, one of the eight winners of the Best Onondaga County Tree Photo Challenge, an interactive art project that asked Onondaga County residents to go into nature, find the most beautiful trees in our county, and send their suggestions to me with a photo.
Steven Marrone
1. Describe yourself: name, age, location, what do you do for a living and what are some of your hobbies? Steven Marrone, 32, Syracuse. Job: Owner- Steven Marrone Painting. Hobbies: Hiking, Oil Painting, Photography
2. Why did you choose to photograph this particular tree/ trees? This particular tree is amazing to see in person. There are just so many angles to capture. Each shot can portray many different emotions. The bark has so much depth, that if you stare at a section, your eyes will play tricks on you.
3. What time of the year was it? Summer
4- What is the exact location of this tree? The tree is located in Burnet Park right behind the swimming pool. 43.0406524,-76.185678
5 - Do you know the type of tree you have captured? Does this tree have a particular meaning to you? Willow. This is my favorite tree to stare up at and take photos. Each photo is so different.
6 - How did you find out about this challenge? Social media
The making of 'Willow Tree'
Below you will see the step by step development of this acrylic painting.
The finished painting, below, I hope you like it!
Willow Tree by Maria Rizzo, 24x18x1.5 acrylic on canvas. Dec. 2014
This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.
~ Maria Rizzo