After an art opening it is a good habit for artists (give yourself a couple of days!) to examine what factors contributed to your opening's success and what things could have been done differently to make it better. Read more to discover tips on how to plan for a successful art show and opening reception.
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Detail of Pink Flowers by Maria Rizzo
10 Tips to Grow as a Visual Artist
When I was 22 years old, I decided to start a part-time business as a professional painter and my goal for that year was to create a painting’s series because I was told by an established artist, and by many art marketing books, it was the way to be represented by an art gallery. So, I did. I spent the whole year of 2010 creating my first body of work and that was the beginning of my creative venture. But how exactly do you grow as a visual artist? Here are 10 tips that have contributed to my growth as a two-dimensional visual artist.
Read MoreThe Artist's Path: 5 Fine Artists who Make a Living with Their Art

For this blog post, I've decided to highlight 5 professional fine artists, who make a living with their art, in order to inspire emerging artists that this career path, even though it's hard, is possible. These artists kindly shared with me who they are, what they do, and a piece of wisdom they learned along their creative journey.
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The Artist's Path: Understanding the Art World

If you are a newcomer artist, who wants to achieve success in the privileged art world, Tomiuc suggests that there is only one way to do so, which is by branding yourself. Yet, understanding the mechanics of the art market, the system of art collectors, art dealers and museums of art can be quite an eye opener (p. 6).
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