2014 has been a challenging year for the Rizzo/Wagner family: my husband, Dan, the breadwinner of our family, while cleaning storm damage on July 20th, fell form a ladder 15 ft. above the ground that broke his sacrum, fractured his left pelvis and broke his right calcanium.
As difficult as it has been, we were also able to witness many blessings: Dan, due to his injuries to the sacrum, had the pudendal nerve unresponsive and the doctors did not know if he was ever able to gain that nerve again. A month after the surgery the nerve slowly started working again and that, for us, was more than just a little miracle. Additionally, Dan, a long time smoker, decided to finally give up cigarettes for good to let his body heal faster and, now, after 5 months from the accident, he is back to walking, driving and looking forward to goin back to work.
Another big blessing is our family. You know how much your family loves you when, during difficult times, they'll do everything to make your life easier... And we are so lucky and forever grateful to our families for contributing in making our life manageable thanks to the continuous financial and emotional support they have been giving us and we are appreciative to all our friends for showing their support weather it was a gift, a card, a call or a visit.
Personally, I want to thank all of you for being a wonderful support for my small business and, as we move closer to the new year, I wish you a 2015 of health, love and happiness!
Yours truly,
Maria Rizzo
Dan at the 2N Rehab at University Hospital with Vincent and Franco.
“What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other.”